Viscous electronics is an emerging field dealing with systems in which strongly interacting electrons behave as a fluid. Electron viscous flows are governed by a nonlocal current-field relation which renders the spatial patterns of the current and electric field strikingly dissimilar. Notably, driven by the viscous friction force from adjacent layers, current can flow against the electric field, generating negative resistance, vorticity, and vortices. Moreover, different current flows can result in identical potential distributions. This sets a new situation where inferring the electron flow pattern from the measured potentials presents a nontrivial problem. Using the inherent relation between these patterns through complex analysis, here we propose a method for extracting the current flows from potential distributions measured in the presence of a magnetic field. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.119.066601 For electron transport in conductors, one can outline two broadly defined scenarios depending on the relative strength of disorder and interactions [1][2][3][4]. In the disorderdominated regime one finds "individualist" behavior of electrons moving in straight lines like pinballs bouncing among impurities. Fast momentum relaxation gives the familiar Ohm's law with current locally proportional to the electric field. In the interaction-dominated regime, when particles exchange their momenta at the rates much faster than the disorder collision rates, electrons move in a neatly coordinated way, in many ways resembling the flow of viscous fluids [5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15]. The current-field relation changes drastically in this case [16].Signatures of viscous flows have been observed in ultraclean GaAs, graphene, and PdCoO 2 [17][18][19][20]. Graphene, in particular, is well suited for studying electron viscosity since low disorder and weak electron-lattice coupling render momentum-conserving two-body (e-e) collisions dominant in a wide range of carrier densities and temperatures. In contrast, momentum-nonconserving umklapp e-e processes are forbidden because of graphene crystal symmetry. Gatetunable and temperature-dependent collision rates help to realize the ballistic and viscous regime in a single sample.Current in an electron fluid is locally proportional to momentum density, but its relation to the electric field is nonlocal since the viscous force is proportional to the velocity Laplacian. As a result, the electric field and current can be quite different vector fields. Unraveling the relation between them is one of the challenges of viscous electronics. In particular, one needs to find ways to reconstruct currents from the potentials, measurable by a variety of experimental techniques. As we will see, while the resulting integral relations are nontrivial, in two dimensions they can be tackled using a powerful framework of complex analysis. This provides a direct link between measured potentials and the current flow patterns.We will see that the currents depend not only on the potentials but also, in...