respectively backed by a PEMC with M0 = 1. In (30), max = 5; m = 2, and d = 0:5 cm are assumed. The reflection from such a PEMC-backed PML is calculated and also shown in Fig. 4. Since PML region is inhomogeneous, the propagator dyadic P is obtained by the technique presented in [16]. Furthermore, the reflection from the same PML backed by a PEC and PMC are given in this figure. It is obvious that although the reflections are the same in absolute value, the reflection from the PML interface is cross-polarized and co-polarized in the case of backing by PEMC with M 0 = 1 and backing by PEC or PMC respectively, confirming our expectation.
IV. CONCLUSIONThis communication presents an analytic approach based on the propagators and wave-splitting technique for calculating plane-wave reflection from stratified media backed by a PEMC. Verifications are carried out by first derivation of the reflection dyadic of a PEC-backed stratified medium and second by derivation of the reflection dyadic of a PEMC interface.Two numerical examples are provided to demonstrate the application of PEMC boundaries for polarization transforming purposes. The communication introduces the PEMC-backed PMLs as alternatives for the truncation boundaries in 2-D numerical techniques in order to eliminate the co-polarized reflections from the boundaries and hence increase numerical accuracies. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to gratefully acknowledge Prof. A. H. Sihvola and Prof. I. V. Lindell for their constructive comments and also the reviewers for their careful review of the communication. REFERENCES [1] I. V. Lindell and A. H. Sihvola, "Perfect electromagnetic conductor," Abstract-A novel compact finite difference time domain (FDTD) scheme is proposed to remedy the anisotropic dispersion characteristic and inaccurate transverse cutoff frequency observed in conventional compact FDTD schemes. The proposed scheme is formulated based on the two-dimensional (2D) isotropic-dispersion finite difference (ID-FD) equation (I. Koh, et al, "Novel explicit 2-D FDTD scheme with isotropic dispersion finite-difference time-domain algorithm" IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 54, no. 11, pp. 3505-3510, Nov. 2006), which is a novel low dispersion finite difference (FD) scheme. The formulation is derived for the scaling factors constrained with both the exact phase constant and cutoff frequency in the transverse domain, and for an optimal weighting factor using the least mean square (LMS) algorithm for the ID-FD equation. Index Terms-Compact FDTD, ID-FD equation, low dispersion, transverse cutoff frequency.