Alternative way to understand the unexpected results of the JLab polarization experiments to measure the Sachs form factors ratio In the one-photon exchange approximation we discuss questions related to the interpretation of unexpected results of the JLab polarization experiments to measure the Sachs form factors ratio GE/GM in the region 1.0 ≤ Q 2 ≤ 8.5 GeV 2 . For this purpose, we developed an approach which essentially is a generalization of the constituent-counting rules of the perturbative QCD (pQCD) for the case of massive quarks. We assume that at the lower boundary of the considered region the hard-scattering mechanism of pQCD is realized. Within the framework of the developed approach we calculated the hard kernel of the proton current matrix elements J ). This allows us to state that (i) around the lower boundary of the considered region, the leading scaling behavior of the Sachs form factors has the form GE, GM ∼ 1/Q 6 , (ii) the dipole dependence (GE, GM ∼ 1/Q 4 ) is realized in the asymptotic regime of pQCD when τ ≫ 1 (τ = Q 2 /4M 2 ) in the case when the quark transitions with spin-flip dominate, (iii) the asymptotic regime of pQCD in the JLab experiments has not yet been achieved, and (iv) the linear decrease of the ratio GE/GM at τ < 1 is due to additional contributions to J δ,δ p by spin-flip transitions of two quarks and an additional contribution to J −δ,δ p by spin-flip transitions of three quarks.