Differentiation between epicardial and endocardial ventricular activation remains a challenge, despite the latest technologies available. The aim of the present study was to develop a new tool method, based on electromechanical wave imaging (EWI), to improve arrhythmogenic substrate activation analysis. Experiments were conducted on left ventricles (LV) of four isolated working mode swine hearts. The protocol aimed at demonstrating that different patterns of mechanical activation could be observed whether the ventricle was in sinus rhythm, paced from the epicardium, or from the endocardium. Seventy-two EWI acquisitions were recorded on the anterior, lateral, and posterior segments of the LV. Fifty-four loop records were blindly assigned to two readers. EWI sequences interpretations were correct in 89% of cases. The overall agreement rate between the two readers was 83%. When in a paced ventricle, the origin of the wave front was focal and originated from the endocardium or the epicardium. In sinus rhythm, wave front was global and activated within the entire endocardium towards the epicardium at a speed of 1.7±0.28 m.s-1. Wave front speeds were respectively measured when the endocardium or the epicardium were paced at a speed of 1.1 ± 0.35 m.s-1 vs 1.3±0.34 m.s-1 (p=NS). EWI activation mapping allows activation localization within the LV wall and calculation of the wave front propagation speed through the muscle. In the future, this technology could help localize activation within the LV thickness during complex ablation procedures.