Background: Supporting our adolescent people in realizing his/her self ability to reorganize and to establish a cross-linked paraspinal muscle control can be considered the most effective approach for muscle rehabilitation in adolescents affected by "AIS. Aim of this study was to evaluate the SEMG activity of paraspinal erector muscles by using an innovative dynamic and asymmetric spine brace called "BRIXIA" in the conservative treatment of patients affected by adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS). Methods: Five patients affected by adolescent idiopathic scoliosis were recruited for the aim of this study in line with an informed consent and simple inclusion criteria. Each patient underwent a fi rst task-specifi c evaluation at time T0 and T1 and a secondary experimental course at time T2, T3 and T4. After a fi rst postural and total spine X-ray evaluation, recruited patients began to use our innovative spine brace called BRIXIA (time T0 and T1). During the second experimental phase, a SEMG bilateral activity of the trunk large rhomboid, the latissimus dorsi and the quadratus lumborum was investigated without spine brace, by using a common Chenêau brace and afterwards the dynamic BRIXIA spine brace, with the acquisition of the so-called RMS SEMG Ratio value. The SEMG measurements were acquired in six study conditions: a. SiRP=Sitting Resting Position; b. SiRCP=Sitting Recruiting Position with a so-called pneumothorax thrust; c. StRP = Standing Resting Position; d. StRCP = Standing Recruiting Position; e. BA = Anterior Trunk Bending; f. BARC = Anterior Trunk Recruiting Bending. At the end of this SEMG evaluation, each patient received (for a daily use around 18 hours per day) the fi nal version of the BRXIA spine brace and began an individualized educational postural rehabilitative treatment course (time T2). At time T3 and T4 a second and third SEMG assessment was made without using a spine brace and by using BRIXIA, with each patient evaluated in a resting condition and realizing a self-made crosslinked postural correction. Finally, a functional, radiographic and postural evaluation were made to defi ne and quantify an amelioration and modifi cation of patients' postural attitude at the end of a combined rehabilitative and device supported treatment. Findings: A comparative analysis of our SEMG data acquired in six study conditions showed different trends in all patients recruited proceeding from time T2 to time T5. Particularly, we observed at time T2 an homogeneous grade of paraxial muscle recruitment acquisition, expressed by the RMSsEMG ratio index, without using spine brace (53,3%) and by using Chêneau and BRIXIA brace (46,7%); specifi cally, a 57,14% of our patients used BRIXIA brace and a 42,86% Chêneau brace; the most homogeneous response was acquired in BA study condition; a symmetric paraxial