The combination of pathological wear of the teeth with defects of the dental rows causes significant changes in the maxillofacial complex, which leads to substantial morphofunctional disorders and creates difficulties in the orthopedic rehabilitation of such patients.
The combination of pathological tooth wear and defects of the dental rows causes significant changes in the maxillofacial complex, which leads to substantial morphofunctional disorders and creates difficulties in the orthopedic rehabilitation of such patients.
Thirty four persons aged from 35 to 60 years with a generalized form of pathological wear of grades I-II, in combination with defects of dentition of classes I, II and III according to Kennedy, were treated. The examination has included the data of the anamnesis, general clinical examination, measuring interalveolar height, study of diagnostic models, X-ray examination, and EMG of the masticatory muscles.
The results. The EMG data of the research groups before treatment showed a different degree of the rhythm of chewing movements, a clear alternation of the phases of activity and rest, uneven inclusion of motor units in the contraction process compared to healthy patients, the habitual side of chewing was determined, as a result of which an extension of chewing time, a decrease in its rhythm and chewing efficiency.
Thirty days after the appropriate treatment, the electromyographic study showed morphological and functional changes in the maxillofacial apparatus of the patients of the experimental groups, which were reflected in the quantitative indicators of the EMG of the masticatory muscles. In the I group, the EMG parameters significantly approached those in the control group, and in the II group, a tendency to approach the norm was determined.
Appropriate orthopedic treatment of pathological attrition, complicated by existing dentition defects, various structures contributed to the emergence of new myotatic reflexes, the creation of a new chewing stereotype.
A positive change in EMG indicators, especially the "K" coefficient, and their approach to the indicators of the control group indicates the appropriate choice of the prosthetic method, which will contribute to the process of adaptation to the orthopedic structure and improve the psycho-somatic condition of patients in general.
Conclusions. Analyzing the variance in biopotentials of the masticatory muscles enables the evaluation of both the extent and the characteristics of existing disorders in patients with pathological attrition.
The positive dynamics of electromyography indicators in the treatment of patients with a generalized form of pathological wear, complicated by defects of the dental rows, indicates the quality of the treatment, the feasibility of choosing an orthopedic structure, and the smoothness of the process of adaptation to it.
The future research involves continued monitoring of long-term treatment outcomes, including the potential for determining the duration required for complete adaptation to the orthopedic prosthesis.