Soft-x-ray photoemission measurements of the bulk Si 2p core level in Si/Si02 overlayer structures show that hot-electron transport in SiC>2 is essentially independent of temperature between 300 and 980 K. These results reveal a basic failure of the semiclassical Monte Carlo formalism to correctly model the strong electron-phonon interaction in SiC>2 at electron energies > 6 eV. The experimental data are shown to be consistent with the trends seen in quantum Monte Carlo transport calculations.PACS numbers: 72.20.Dp, 72.80.Ng, 79.60.Eq Gaining a fundamental understanding of the processes which lead to the degradation of insulators, such as hotelectron-induced bond breaking [1] and impact ionization [2,3], has been an important goal for the physics of semiconductor devices. Accordingly, major efforts, both experimental [4] and theoretical [5], have been undertaken in order to understand the dynamics of hot electrons in SiC>2. Fischetti [5] and co-workers have provided a conceptual framework for the understanding of a large body of high-field transport experiments by means of semiclassical Monte Carlo transport simulations which include both polar and acoustic electron-phonon scattering. The impressive record of agreement with experiment [2-4, 6-10] has made the semiclassical Monte Carlo formalism a widespread standard methodology for the analysis of hot-electron transport experiments in S1O2 [11-13].The recent development of zero-field photoemissionbased techniques has allowed direct measurements of absolute electron-phonon scattering rates over a wide energy range [14-16]. These measurements revealed problems with a straightforward application of this standard model at electron energies larger than 6 eV. Instead of continuing to increase, as predicted by the deformation-potential matrix elements, the acoustic phonon scattering, the key mechanism for the stabilization of the electron distribution under high-field stress, was shown to be almost constant in rate between 8 and 20 eV [15,16].The underlying physical reason for this discrepancy was unclear. The strong coupling between the hot electrons and the lattice at high energies leads to extremely short quasiparticle lifetimes. It has long been speculated that this would necessitate a full quantum description of the transport process. Alternatively, Bradford and Woolf [12] showed that the introduction of screening into the electron-acoustic-phonon interaction could reproduce the photoemission data quantitatively, without abandoning the semiclassical formalism. In this Letter we shall demonstrate experimentally that the discrepancy between the semiclassical Monte Carlo model and the photoemission results at kinetic energies > 6 eV is far more serious than a discrepancy in specific rates. Rather, it signals the breakdown of the entire semiclassical formalism itself and the onset of a strong quantum transport regime. The evidence for this transition comes from the temperature dependence of the transport process. The strong temperature dependence implicit in the semicl...