Considering p, d, and f attachments to the 4f 13 6s 2 J = 7/2 ground state of Tm i, we find no evidence for bound Tm − states. A survey of possible weak attachments to excited Tm i states, however, suggests three long lived states created by 6p attachment to the 4f 12 5d6s 2 J = 15/2, 17/2 excited states. Calculated binding energies for these states are 254 meV for the J = 8 state relative to its 4f 12 5d6s 2 J = 15/2 threshold and 258 and 173 meV relative to the J = 17/2 threshold for J = 9 and J = 10, respectively. These high J 4f 12 5d6s 2 6p states have open decay channels only to 4f 13 6s 2 J = 7/2, 5/2 and 4f 12 5d6s 2 J = 9/2, resulting in emitted electrons of symmetry g, h, and i. The lifetimes for these long lived J = 8, 9, 10 states are estimated to be 9.8 µs, 0.9 ms, and 6.6 ms, respectively.