We numerically study the hyperfine induced nuclear spin dynamics in a system of two coupled quantum dots in zero magnetic field. Each of the electron spins is considered to interact with an individual bath of nuclear spins via homogeneous coupling constants (all coupling coefficients being equal). In order to lower the dimension of the problem, the two baths are approximated by two single long spins. We demonstrate that the hyperfine interaction enables to utilize the nuclear baths for quantum information purposes. In particular, we show that it is possible to swap the nuclear ensembles on time scales of seconds and indicate that it might even be possible to fully entangle them. As a key result, it turns out that the larger the baths are, the more useful they become as a resource of quantum information. Interestingly, the nuclear spin dynamics strongly benefits from combining two quantum dots of different geometry to a double dot set up. Introduction.-Electron spins confined in semiconductor quantum dots with an s-type conduction band, like for example GaAs quantum dots, experience decoherence through the spin-orbit interaction, and by the hyperfine interaction with surrounding nuclear spins. With respect to possible future solid state quantum computation systems utilizing the electron spin as the qubit 1,2 , these interactions act as a source of decoherence. Due to the spatial confinement of the electron spin in a quantum dot, the relaxation time T 1 induced by the spin-orbit interaction is enhanced for low temperatures 3,4 . As the dephasing time T 2 due to the spin orbit interaction turns out to be as long as the T 1 time under realistic conditions 5 , the major source of decoherence in semiconductor quantum dots results from the hyperfine interaction 6-10 . For related reviews the reader is referred to Refs.11-15 . Similar situations arise in carbon nanotube quantum dots 16 , phosphorus donors in silicon 17 and nitrogen vacancies in diamond [18][19][20] .