We have investigated the electron spin dynamics on the discrete energy levels of self-organized InAs quantum dots (QDs) covered by the thin InGaAs layer and embedded in the GaAs matrix. The InGaAs layer forms the external quantum well (QW). In particular, we report on the electron mean spin redistribution over the QD and QW energy spectrum resulting in a drastic increase of electron spin polarization of the QD excited levels and the QW ground state. The electron polarization is determined by measuring the degree of circular polarization of the QD and QW emissions after excitation by 1.5 ps circular polarized pulses in the GaAs barrier.
IntroductionThe dynamics of electron spins in low-dimensional semiconductor structures is intensively studied at present due to potential applications in spin related electronic devices. In particular, many fine spin-related effects have been recently observed in semiconductor QDs [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9]. In this paper, we report on a dynamical manifestation of Pauli's exclusion principle in QD structures, resulting in a drastic increase of spin polarization of the QD excited levels [5][6][7] and the QW ground state. We begin with a qualitative explanation of the spin redistribution effect in QDs.Let us consider N D QDs with two electron levels each (one ground state and one excited state). The electrons, photogenerated in the GaAs barrier by sþ circularly polarized light, have a spin polarization P e ðt ¼ 0Þ ¼ P 0 ¼ 0:5 due to optical selection rules in bulk zinc-blende semiconductors [10]: among the total number of photogenerated electrons, N, there are N # ¼ 3N=4 electrons with spin down and N " ¼ N=4 electrons with spin up. We assume N ( N D and an infinite electron spin relaxation time. Under random capture of electrons into the QDs, the number of dots to capture two electrons will be proportional to the squared number of electrons with the corresponding spin projection, so that 9N 2 /16N D dots on an average will capture two spin-down electrons, and N 2 /16N D dots will capture two spin-up electrons. In the dots which have captured two electrons with the same spin (one on each level), the electron transitions from the excited state to the ground state are blocked due to the Pauli's principle. After a time delay longer than the inter-level energy relaxation time, all other dots will have no electrons on the upper level. The degree of electron polarization P 2e on the upper level will then be equal to P 2e ¼ ðN # À N " Þ=ðN # þ N " Þ ¼ ð9N 2 À N 2 Þ=ð9N 2 þ N 2 Þ ¼ 0:8, which is greater than the photo-generated electron polarization P 0 = 0.5. It is worth noting that this increase of electron polarization on upper levels does not imply the filling of the lower-lying states in all dots.