A high-current electron-beam accelerator for pumping of a Xe 2 lamp was developed. It is intended for injection of an electron beam into cylindrical gas cavity (diameter of 400 mm, length of 1600 mm, and the absolute pressure up to 3 bars). Two electron diodes in parallel are used in the accelerator. Each diode is connected to a linear transformer driver with vacuum insulation of a secondary turn. The next parameters of the accelerator have been obtained: diode voltage -550-600 kV, diode current -276-230 kA, current rise time -160 ns, maximum power of the electron beam -130 GW, pulse width on half maximum -160 ns, electron beam energy at power level not less than half of maximum value -20 kJ. The total energy of electrons, which pass through a 40 μm Ti foil into the Xe cell, is 8-9 kJ in the 150-160 ns pulse (full width at half maximum) mean specific power of energy input into gas cavity is about 330 kW/cm 3 . Design of the accelerator and test results are presented and discussed in this paper.