A corrugated structure, which is used in "dechirper" devices, is usually a pipe or two plates with small corrugations (bumps) on the walls. There is a good single-mode description of the wake potentials excited by a relativistic bunch if the wave length of the mode is much longer than the distance between the bumps in the pipe. However, ultrashort bunches, which are now used in free electron lasers, excite much higher frequency fields and the corresponding wake potentials will be very different from the single-mode description. We have made analyses of these wake potentials based on a numerical solution of Maxwell's equations. It was confirmed that the behavior of the wakefields of ultrashort bunches in corrugated structures is not much different from the fields excited usually in accelerating structures where the wake potentials are described by the exponential function. For a practical application we present results for the SLAC "dechirper." We also carried out calculations for a similar device, that was installed and measured at the Pohang Accelerator Laboratory, Korea. We find very good agreement with the experimental results.