Bromate (BrO − 3 ) residue in drinking water poses a great health risk. Ultra-fast reduction of BrO − 3 , under aerobic conditions, was realized using an ultraviolet (UV)/sulfite process in the presence of iodide (UV/sulfite/iodide). The UV/sulfite/iodide process produced BrO − 3 removal efficiency of 100% at about 5 min with complete conversion to bromide, while UV/sulfite induced 13.1% BrO − 3 reduction under the same conditions. Hydrated electrons, generated from the photolysis of sulfite and iodide, was confirmed as the main contributor to BrO − 3 degradation (77.4% of the total contribution). As the concentration of iodide was kept constant, its presence remarkably enhancing the generation of hydrated electrons led to its consideration as a homogeneous catalyst in the UV/sulfite/iodide system. Sulfite played a role not only as a hydrated electron precursor, but also as a reactive iodine species shielding agent and a regenerant of iodide. Results surrounding the effects on common water quality parameters (pH, bicarbonate, nitrate, natural organic matter, and solution temperature) indicated that preferred degradation of BrO − 3 occurred in an environment of alkaline pH, low-content natural organic matter/bicarbonate/nitrate, and high natural temperature.(I − )/nitrilotriacetic acid [14,15], vacuum-UV irradiation [7], and photoexcitation of organic chromophores [16]. From a practical perspective, the key for-based ARPs is generating e − aq efficiently under ambient conditions. Hydrated electron generation by UV activation of sulfite (UV/sulfite) is promising due to its oxygen self-cleaning property. However, e − aq generation by UV/sulfite was dependent on a high concentration of sulfite and high pH due to the relatively low absorptivity and the protonation of sulfite. Recently, Li etc.[17] proposed a UV/sulfite/I − process to generate e − aq , and successfully realized efficient degradation of monochloroacetic acid (12.86 µM·min −1 ). Enhanced production of e − aq through such a process was based on two facts: (1) both sulfite and I − act as e − aq precursors; (2) sulfite can reduce the e − aq scavenging by reactive iodine species (RIS, e.g., I • , I •− 2 , and I − 3 ). Given the similar rate constant of e − aq toward monochloroacetic acid (1.0 × 10 9 M −1 ·s −1 [18]) and BrO − 3 (3.4 × 10 9 M −1 ·s −1 [10]), it is reasonable to speculate that the UV/sulfite/I − process can also degrade BrO − 3 with high efficiency. Yet, to the authors' knowledge, there exist no other reports using this process to degrade BrO − 3 under aerobic conditions. Furthermore, the BrO − 3 degradation performance using the UV/sulfite/I − process under aerobic conditions, and the possible factors that may affect the degradation efficiency (i.e., pH, anions, and natural organic matter (NOM)) are yet to be investigated.In this work, we aimed to (1) investigate the reduction efficiency of BrO − 3 in prepared water and real water in the UV/sulfite/I − process; (2) explore the mechanism of BrO − 3 reduction (role of sulfite/I − and contributo...