The possibility of producing the full-strength butt joint of sheet rolled titanium VT1-0 of 12 mm thickness, preliminary hardened by nitrogen (0.098 wt.%) from the gas phase in the process of arc slag remelting, using laser welding was shown. In the course of experimental investigations double-sided welding of butt joints applying Nd:YAG-laser radiation was performed. The results of macro-and microinvestigations, measurements of distribution of microhardness HV, mechanical properties in testing on static tension and impact bending proved a high quality of welded joints. The homogeneity of the structure, absence of cracks, pores and other defects evidence of the challenging development of technology of laser welding of commercial titanium VT1-0 hardened by nitrogen (up to 0.1 wt.%) in ASR. 9 Ref., 4 Tables, 11 Figures.