The scientific grand challenges for this field are described in several publications, including the High Energy Physics Advisory Panel's (HEPAP) Quantum Universe report and the P5 subcommittee's Long Range Plan for Particle Physics in the United States. From these, the following fundamental questions are posed: What are the main features of physics Beyond the Standard Model? These can be sought by exploring physics at high energy using the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), by seeking small departures from predictions made assuming Standard Model physics for interactions at lower energy, or by exploring physics with neutrinos. What is the identity of dark matter and how does large scale structure develop in the expanding universe? The prime dark matter candidate is a supersymmetric particle, but less massive particles called axions may also be involved. The primordial fluctuations out of which contemporary largescale structure grew may provide a window on fundamental processes occurring during the epoch of inflation. What are the empirical properties of dark energy and what do they imply about its nature? Present evidence involving observations of supernova explosions and the growth of perturbations in the expanding universe is consistent with it having the properties of Einstein's cosmological constant.Departures from this behavior may signify the presence of new physics operating over cosmological scales. What are the reasons for and implications of neutrino masses? The measured properties of neutrinos provide an existence proof for important physics Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) but may also lead to an explanation of why there is a net preponderance of matter over anti-matter. Astrophysical arguments also contribute to the answer. Are there extra dimensions beyond the three spatial and single temporal dimensions familiar from everyday experience? These may have tiny length scales as suggested by string theory or may have macroscopic scales that can lead to a weakening of the law of gravity. How do Nature's particle accelerators operate in extreme environments? Ultra high energy cosmic rays are accelerated by cosmic sources possibly associated with massive black holes to energies as high as 1 ZeV. When these cosmic rays hit the Earth's atmosphere, they do so with center of momentum energies in excess of 100 TeV. While we can observe cataclysmic events such as a supernova explosion or the collapse of a massive star into a black hole from a vast distance, these involve phenomena that can never be reproduced in a terrestrial laboratory. However, it becomes increasingly possible to recreate these conditions in a digital universe where important questions can be asked and alternatives explored.The planning and design of the International Linear Collider (ILC) is critical for the next step in high energy physics. How can we be certain that this expensive machine will work when it is turned on? Instead of building a series of increasingly costly prototypes, accelerator physicists turn with increasing sophistication...