There are two types of digitizers to acquire the values of Thomson scattering signals in HL-2A tokamak. One is charge-sensitive analogue-to-digital converters (Q-ADCs) which simply integrates the signal over a gate interval, and the other is transient recorders with 12 bits resolution and 1 GHz sampling rate at each channel. Because the Thomson scattering diagnostic is prone to electrical noisy environment, in which Q-switched Nd:YAG lasers and polychromators are located closely to the HL-2A device, the high speed transient digitizers are found helpful to reduce noise overlapped in Thomson scattering signals. After triggered by the front of TTL pulse generated by laser light, data acquisition is fulfilled from −250 ns to 250 ns, so that the temporal evolution of Thomson scattering signals is obtained. A Gaussian function is utilized to fit the pulse shape of the digitized scattering signal by nonlinear least square methods. By pulse fitting and data processing, the influence of background perturbations is substantially reduced.
K: Data processing methods; Digital signal processing (DSP); Plasma diagnosticsinterferometry, spectroscopy and imaging 1Corresponding author.