X-ray data were collected on films of Alo.72Mno.22Sio.06 sputtered on NaCl at 45, 150, and 230 °C. The 45°C films show a typical metallic-glass structure factor, 5(g), while at 230°C the structure is quasicrystalline plus Al. A combined particle-size and phason strain broadening was applied to the normalized and reduced S(Q) for the 230°C film to bring it essentially into coincidence with the amorphous (45 °C) S(Q) leading us to conclude that the glass, or amorphous, phase represents a defect limit of the quasicrystal. PACS numbers: 61.50.Em, 61.40.+b, 61.55.Hg Conventional microcrystalline models have for some time been considered unsuccessful descriptions of the glassy state of simple metals and alloys. l The discovery of the icosahedral quasicrystal, 2 however, has revived interest in the structure of metallic glasses. As discussed by Widom 3 in his review of icosahedral phases, there is an intimate connection between the local order in glasses, icosahedral quasicrystals, and the crystalline Frank-Kasper phases. 4 The competition among them may be understood if we consider the ways in which frustration, induced by an attempt to close-pack tetrahedra, is relieved or realized. Frank 5 was the first to point out that liquids can naturally accommodate this frustration by forming icosahedral clusters that are clearly not little pieces of, say, an fee crystal. Sachdev and Nelson 6 have more recently developed the statistical mechanics of icosahedral order in dense liquids just above the glass transition and have calculated a structure factor, S(Q), which agrees rather well with the data on amorphous Fe. 7 For U-Pd-Si alloys, Kofalt et a/. 8 have shown with x-ray scattering a similarity in the pair correlation functions, G(r), for a quenched glass and a quasicrystal. Mayer et al 9 have also done an electron-diffraction study to determine the G(r) for an amorphous alloy of Alo.84Vo.i6, produced by electron irradiation of the quasicrystalline phase of the same alloy. In this work they demonstrate the similarity in structure between the "amorphized" quasicrystal and a conventional metallic glass. Urban Moser, and Kronmiiller 10 had previously obtained a very fine grain size for the quasicrystalline phase by annealing the amorphous phase produced by irradiation and had termed the microstructure "microquasicrystalline." Bendersky and Ridder, 11 however, produced increasingly fine droplets-and hence cooling rates-from atomized Alo.86Mn 014 alloys whose apparently amorphous structures, formed smoothly in the limit of high cooling rate, were not considered to be truly amorphous, as in a metallic glass, but rather "microquasicrystalline." Urban et al. n have reviewed this situation-glass versus microquasicrystal-and suggest that (a) the term "microquasicrystalline" may profitably be used only for the quasicrystal whose fine grain size, due to copious nucleation, cannot easily grow, and that (b) the competing amorphous phase, produced by irradiation, is indistinguishable from a conventional metallic glass. This resolution, ...