The advent of attosecond techniques opens up the possibility to observe experimentally electron dynamics following ionization of molecules. Theoretical studies of pure electron dynamics at single fixed nuclear geometries in molecules have demonstrated oscillatory charge migration at a well-defined frequency but often neglecting the natural width of the nuclear wave packet. The effect on electron dynamics of the spatial delocalization of the nuclei is an outstanding question. Here, we show how the inherent distribution of nuclear geometries leads to dephasing. Using a simple analytical model, we demonstrate that the conditions for a long-lived electronic coherence are a narrow nuclear wave packet and almost parallel potential-energy surfaces of the states involved. We demonstrate with numerical simulations the decoherence of electron dynamics for two real molecular systems (paraxylene and polycyclic norbornadiene), which exhibit different decoherence time scales. To represent the quantum distribution of geometries of the nuclear wave packet, the Wigner distribution function is used. The electron dynamics decoherence result has significant implications for the interpretation of attosecond spectroscopy experiments since one no longer expects long-lived oscillations. The generation of attosecond pulses in the extreme ultraviolet range (using high harmonic generation in gases) [1,2] has opened up the possibility to probe dynamics in atoms, molecules, and solids with attosecond resolution [3-5]-the natural time scale of electronic motion. Attosecond techniques have since been developed and applied successfully to a range of problems, including the real-time observation of electronic relaxation in krypton atoms [6], the measurement of delays in photoemission of electrons in condensed-matter [7] and atomic [8] systems using the streaking technique, and the observation of electron dynamics in krypton atoms upon valence ionization using transient absorption spectroscopy [9].One key target of attosecond experiments remains the real-time observation and control of electron dynamics upon ionization in molecules [10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17]. The interference between electronic eigenstates, populated coherently, alternates between constructive and destructive and leads to oscillating motion of the electronic density with a period inversely proportional to the energy gap. This is "pure" electron dynamics (i.e., takes place even if the nuclei are fixed) and is often called charge migration in the literature [18] or hole migration if it is induced by electron correlation [19,20].A fascinating and outstanding question in the theoretical description of electron dynamics in molecules is the effect of the nuclei since most studies are carried out at a single fixed nuclear geometry (usually the equilibrium geometry of the neutral species) [21][22][23][24][25][26]. (Some studies include several conformers [22,27] but again with a single geometry per conformer.) These simulations predict long-lived oscillating motion in the electron...