Pentacene is a highly promising material for application in thin film transistor devices because of its recently reported high mobilities and good semiconducting behavior. [1] For this reason, we have carried out a program to grow single crystals of unusually high purity and crystalline perfection to study the intrinsic properties of organic semiconductors. We have produced millimeter-sized crystals with electrically active impurities at concentrations of the order of 10 13 cm À3 (or one impurity molecule per 10 8 pentacene molecules) by using a vapor-phase deposition technique. Such crystals were used for ordinary progress in the field of oligosaccharide and glycopeptide synthesis. Given the extendibility of this chemistry to virtually any type of saccharide presentation and the capacity, in principle, for ligation of the pentapeptide construct to larger polypeptide or protein domains, [24] the synthesis of sequence-defined homogeneous glycopeptides, and thence glycoproteins, is at hand. Studies directed toward reaching fully functional glycoproteins by total synthesis are underway.