Over the past forty years, surface science has evolved to become both an atomic scale and a molecular scale science. Gerhard Ertl's group has made major contributions in the field of molecular scale surface science, focusing on vacuum studies of adsorption chemistry on single crystal surfaces. In this review, we outline three important aspects that led to the recent advances of surface chemistry: the development of concepts, in situ instruments for molecular scale surface studies at buried interfaces (solid-gas and solidliquid), and new model nanoparticle surface systems in addition to single crystals.Combined molecular beam surface scattering and low energy electron diffraction (LEED)-surface structure studies on metal single crystal surfaces revealed new concepts, including adsorbate-induced surface restructuring and the unique activity of defects, atomic steps and kinks on metal surfaces. We have combined high pressure catalytic reaction studies with ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) surface characterization techniques using the UHV chamber equipped with a high-pressure reaction cell. New instruments, such as high pressure sum frequency generation (SFG) vibrational spectroscopy and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) have been built that permit molecular-level surface studies performed at pressures. Tools that can access broad ranges of pressures can be used for both the in situ characterization of buried interfaces of solid-gas and solid-liquid and the study of catalytic reaction intermediates. The model systems for the study of molecular 2 surface chemistry have evolved from single crystals to nanoparticles in the 1-10 nm size range, which are the preferred media in catalytic reaction studies.