Total cross-sections for electron impact excitation of 11S-23S transition in helium have been calculated using variable-charge Coulomb-projected Born approximation and also using a distorted wave model in which the prior form of the T-matrix is used. The comparison of the two sets of results enables us to make certain observations about the suitability of the variable-charge Coulomb-projected Born approximation.The variable-charge Coulomb-projected Born (VCCPB) approximation proposed by Schaub-Shaver and Stauffer [-1] is the most generalized form of Coulomb-project Born (CPB) approximation initially suggested by Geltman [23. It is easy to show that the VCCPB model, in which the effective nuclear charge as seen by the incident particle depends on its position with respect to the target nucleus, is essentially a form of the distorted wave Born (DWB) approximation with distortion included in the final channel only. The screening parameter determines the static potential of the target in its initial state and the distortion of the scattered particle-wavefunction by this potential is considered. The results obtained in the VCCPB model for the 11S-23S electron impact excitation cross section of helium (since we are neglecting relativistic effects, this transition occurs only through exchange) are however, in very poor agreement with the results of other distorted wave (DW) models [3-53. Further the VCCPB method when applied to electron impact excitation of the 11S-21S transition in helium like ions [-6], yields cross section results, at low incident energies (where again exchange contributions are significant), which are in very poor agreement with the results obtained by Bhatia and Temkin [73 (herein after referred as BT model). This particular form (BT model) of the DW model is very similar to the VCCPB model differing only in the choice of channel in which distortion is included -BT model includes distortion in the initial channel while the VCCPB model includes it in the final channel. Both models do not take any account of polarisation. So the large discrepancy between the VCCPB results and the other DW results in the case of electron impact IIS-21S excitation in helium [-8] (at least for low incident energies) and for the 11S-23S transition does not seem likely to be caused only by the neglect of distortion in one channel and/or the neglect of polarisation, in the former. We use a VCCPB type DW model utilizing the prior form of the T-matrix in order to remove this discrepancy and show why this choice leads to a better representation of the collision process. If we examine the DW methods used so far for the calculation of electron-beam (ion) collisions (either already referred to above or cited in these references) and the VCCPB method we readily make the following observations: (ii) The wavefunction ~/+ is properly antisymmetrized.(iii) In the various DW models it is the function ~/+ in which the distortion is included. Some more accurate studies [5] include distortion in both channels.(iv) The VCCPB method includ...