The electron impact single ionization cross-section of light ionic targets with multiple charges greater than 2 is evaluated employing two distinct modifications of the binary-encounter dipole (BED) model, the intermediate BEDTG and the modified BED (MBED) models. BEDTG incorporates the ionic correction due to Thomas and Garcia, whereas MBED embodies modification of the Burgess denominator along with the ionic correction. The differential continuum oscillator strengths are obtained adopting the analytic fits to available photo-ionization cross-sections, calculated quantum mechanically. To assess the reliability of these proposed modifications, a few simple targets, e.g., C 3+ , N 4+ , O 4+ , O 5+ , Ne 6+ and Ne 7+ with known reliable theoretical results, are considered. Although the present MBED model seems to underestimate systematically the experimental data above 10 keV, it explains the data in the threshold and peak regions reasonably well with its predictions close to those from the Coulomb-Born approximation, convergent-close-coupling, distorted wave Born approximation with R-matrix, time-dependent and R-matrix pseudostate methods.