A variety of 3,3-disubstituted pent-4-enals (Sa, R = Me, R' = Et; 56, R = Me, R' = Ph; 5c, R = Et, R' = Ph) has been prepared by the Raney nickel desulfurization of the corresponding 3,3-disubstituted 2,2-(trimethy1enedithio)pent-4-enal precursors 4a-4c. The precursor compounds were prepared by the alkylation of 2-formyl-l,3-dithiane with the appropriate 3,3-disubstituted allylic bromide. The new compounds have been characterized by elemental analysis, infrared and nmr spectroscopy, and mass spectrometry. The crystal and molecular structure of (R)-4c has also been determined by X-ray crystallography. At temperatures of ca. 130°C, compounds 4a-4c undergo intramolecular rearrangement to form the trisubstituted alkenes 6a-6c, which have also been characterized by the present study.Can. J. Chem. 63, 1035Chem. 63, (1985. On a prCparC divers penthe-4 als disubstituts en position 3 (5a, R = Me, R' = Et; 56, R = Me, R' = Ph; 5c, R = Et, R' = Ph) en dksulfurant les prCcurseurs correspondants (4a-4c), trimCthylknedithio-2,2 pentene-4 als disubstituks en position 3, ? i I'aide de nickel de Raney. On a prCparC ces prtcurseurs en alkylant le formyl-2 dithiane-1,3 avec le bromure allylique appropriC disubstituk en position 3. On a caractCrisC les nouveaux composCs par analyse ClCmentaire, par spectroscopies ir et rmn et par spectromktrie de masse. On a Cgalement dCterminC la structure cristalline et la structure molCculaire du composC (R)-4c par diffraction des rayons X. A des temptratures d'environ 130°C, les composCs 4a-4c subissent des transpositions intramolCculaires conduisant aux alctnes trisubstituts 6a-6c que I'on a Cgalement caractCrisCs au cours de la prCsente Ctude.[Traduit par le journal] Introduction Our ongoing investigation of catalytic asymmetric cyclization and decarbonylation reactions of pent-4-enals (I) has necessited the preparation of a series of racemic 3,3-disubstituted pent-4-enal substrates. Two methods have been reported (2) for the preparation of such compounds and the 2,3-disubstituted analogues. One method, of somewhat limited scope for synthesis of the 3,3-compounds, involves the conjugate addition of vinylcuprate(1) reagents to a,P-unsaturated aldehydes. The second, more versatile, reaction involves the addition of ethylene oxide to allylic Grignard reagents, followed by oxidation of the resulting alcohol. The methods are dependent on the availability and nature of the ultimate alkenic reagents and, for the