Positive ion electron ionization mass spectra are presented for palladium(I1) P-diketonates and monothio-P-diketonates of the general form P~"[Rc(x)cHc(o)R']~, where R = phenyl, 4-methoxyphenyl, 2-thienyl, or 2-naphthyl; R' = trifluoromethyl, pentafluoroethyl, or n-heptafluoropropyl; and X = 0 or S. The mass spectral behavior is in sharp contrast to that of metals of the first transition series. The spectra of the P-diketonates are dominated by metal-containing ions that arise by migration of the R group from the ligand (L) to palladium, but there is no evidence for fluorine-to-metal transfer. These findings are consistent with HSAB theory. The strong tendency of palladium to form bonds with unsaturated carbon also leads to remarkably abundant metal-containing ions that arise by losses of CO or aryloxy radicals from [PdRL]" ions. In contrast, in decompositions of ions in the spectra of the monothio-P-diketonates, migration of the R group is suppressed; competition for palladium d n electrons by the sulfur donor makes palladium a poorer aryl group acceptor. On rapporte les spectres de masse des ions positifs obtenus par ionisation Clectronique des P-dicCtonates et des monothio-P-dicktonates de palladium(I1) de formule gCnCrale P~"[Rc(x)cHc(o)R']~, dans laquelle R = phCnyle, 4-mCthoxyphCnyle, 2-thiCnyle ou 2-naphtyle, R' = trifluoromCthyle, pentafluoroCthyle ou n-heptafluoropropyle et X = 0 ou S. Les spectres de masse font contraste avec ceux des dCrivCs de la premibre sCrie de mCtaux de transition. Les spectres des P-dicCtonates sont dominks par les ions contenant des mCtaux qui se foment par la migration du groupe R du ligand (L) vers le palladium; on n'a pas de donnCes suggCrant un transfert de fluor vers le metal. Ces observations sont en accord avec la thCorie HSAB. La forte tendance du palladium 2 former des liaisons avec des carbones insaturCs conduit aussi ? i une quantitC importante d'ions contenant un mCtal qui provient d'une perte de CO ou des radicaux aryloxy par les ions [PdRL]". Par ailleurs, les spectres de dCcomposition des ions des monothio-P-didtonates montrent que la migration du groupe R est supprimCe; la competition du soufre donneur pour les Clectrons d n palladium fait de ce dernier un pibtre accepteur du groupe aryle.[Traduit par la RCdaction] Introduction Our recent efforts in characterizing the mass spectral behavior of volatile transition metal chelates under electron ionization (EI) conditions have included the examination of fluorinated P-diketonates and monothio-P-diketonates of cobalt(II1) (1) and nickel(I1) (2). The mass spectra of these complexes showed interesting differences, which could be attributed to the relative stabilities of the +3, +2, and +1 oxidation states of the metals, and also to the relative acid hardness of the metals in these oxidaion states, according to the Hard and Soft Acid and Base (HSAB) principle (3-6). As well, the HSAB concept can be used to rationalize ion decompositions involving metal-fluorine bond formation on the basis of the specific oxidation stat...