Purified kidney Na+,K+-ATPase whose a-subunit is cleaved by chymotrypsin at Leu~66-Ala 267, loses ATPase activity but forms the phosphoenzyme intermediate (EP) from ATP. When EP formation was correlated with extent of s-cleavage in the course of proteolysis, total EP increased with time before it declined. The magnitude of this rise indicated doubling of the number of phosphorylation sites after cleavage. Together with previous findings, these data establish that half of the ~-subunits of oligomeric membrane-bound enzyme are dormant and that interaction of the N-terminal domain of c¢-subunit with its phosphorylation domain causes this half-site reactivity. Evidently, disruption of this interaction by proteolysis abolishes overall activity while it opens access to phosphorylation sites of all c¢-subunits.Key words: Na+,K+-ATPase; Phosphoenzyme; Half-site reactivity; Oligomeric structure; Chymotrypsin
Materials and methodsPurified membrane-bound Na+,K+-ATPase of canine kidney medulla, with specific activity in the range of 1000-1600 ktmol of ATP hydrolyzed/mg/h, was prepared and assayed as indicated [9,10]. The Na+-dependent treatment with tx-chymotrypsin [6,9], phosphorylation with [y-32p]ATP in the presence of Na + and Mg 2+ at 0°C [6,7,10], assay of total phosphoenzyme on filters [10], resolution and assays of 32P-labeled peptides on acid gels either by autoradiography [6,7] or by counting of gel slices [11,12], and analysis of N-terminal sequences [6,9] were done by procedures the details of which we have described before. The relative quantities of stained peptide bands on gels were determined by densitometry [7,9]. The total amount of enzyme protein applied to each gel was in the range of 1 10 I.tg. It was established experimentally that under these conditions there were linear relationships between the amount of native or cleaved enzyme applied to the gel and the densities of stained a-subunit, ~-subunit, and 83-kDa peptide bands.