2. The mean rate constant for Na efflux was 6-4 x 10-3 min-' corresponding to an apparent Na efflux rate of 13-3 p-mole/cm2. sec. When this is corrected for the increase in surface area produced by microvilli the true efflux rate is 1F1-1-3 p-mole/cm2.sec.3. The action of ouabain (1-5,M) appears to involve two different effects: (a) there is 48-65 % inhibition of the membrane Na pump, and (b) there is a release of some of the sequestered Na in the cell.4. Removal of external K causes a 40 % reduction in Na efflux although this value may be an underestimation owing to the presence of K which has leaked from the cell and may be retained near the cell surface. 5. Raising the external K concentration to 15 mm reduces the inhibitory effect of ouabain by approximately a half.6. It was concluded that the Na pump in the toad oocyte may have a slightly lower level of activity than that in frog muscle, but that its general properties are similar to those in frog muscle and some other animal cells.