Electrically stimulated contraction of Spirostomum umbiguum was investigated by high speed cinematography (up to 6,000 pps). Contraction is completed in about 4 msec following a latent period of up to 30 msec. Reduction in length during contraction followed a sigmoid curve, and final length was about 50% of the original length. Contraction always started at the end of the animal directed towards the anode. When the length of each half was measured separately, it was found that the cathodal end lagged about 1 msec in all cases observed. Rate of contraction was increased when the external calcium contraction was increased, and was decreased in Ca-free and K-free solutions, but was unchanged in K-rich solutions. These results are interpreted in terms of contraction being associated with a relative increase of calcium bound to the contractile protein. The differential migration of potassium and calcium ions in an electric current would result in a temporary lowering of K + at the anodal end of the animal, hence a relative rise would take place in the C a t + available for binding. The results of experiments using changed calcium and potassium concentrations can be explained by this hypothesis which is in general agreement with modern work on muscle contraction and relaxation.