Radiolysis free ion yields, electron mobilities, and ion mobilities were measured as functions of applied electric field strength in the liquids cis-and trans-butene-2 at temperatures from near their freezing points to near their critical points. The dielectric permittivities were also measured, to permit extraction of electron thermalization distances from free ion yield data. The thermalization distance distribution in each liquid was found to be the Gaussian YGP, rather than the exponential YE or YEP. This indicates that electrons are not captured before thermalization in either liquid. The density-normalized therrnalization distances bGpd were -40% larger in cis-than in trans-butene-2; this correlates with the more globular structure of the cis-molecules, which decreases the efficiency of electron energy loss collisions in the liquid phase. Electron mobilities were not appreciably different from those reported earlier. Cation mobilities in the liquids from the freezing points (TIT, % 0.35, d/dc % 3.2) up to -400 K (TIT, % 0.92, d/dc % 2.0) are adequately described by the free-volume model.At densities d/dc < 2.0 the mobilities are smaller than predicted by the free-volume model. SHINICHI SASAKAKI et GORDON R. FREEMAN. Can. J. Chem. 72, 1625 (1994. OpCrant 5 des tempkratures allant de leurs point de congClation 5 leurs point critiques, on a mesuri les rendements en ions libres, les mobilitCs des Clectrons et les mobilitts des ions produits, en fonction de la force du champ Clectrique appliquC, lors de la radiolyse des cis-et trans-but-2-knes liquides. On a aussi mesurC les permittivitCs afin de pouvoir diterminer les distances de thermalisation des Clectrons a partir des donnCes des rendements en ions libres. On a trouvC que la distribution des distances de thermalisation dans chaque liquide prCsente une forme gaussienne YGP plutat qu'une exponentielle YE ou YEP. Ce resultat indique que, dans chacun des liquides, les Clectrons ne sont pas capturCs avant la thermalisation. Les distances de thermalisation normalisCes pour la densite, bGpd, sont environ 40% plus grandes dans le cis-que dans le transbut-2-kne; ce rCsultat est en bon accord avec la structure plus globulaire des molicules cis qui, en phase liquide, diminue
IntroductionThe present work continues the study of distribution functions of secondary electron thermalization distances in Xirradiated liquids (1). The scattering of low energy electrons in a liquid is strongly dependent on the molecular structure (2). Comparison of electron behaviors in isomeric hydrocarbons is particularly useful, because physical properties such as molar volume and average polarizability are similar, so differences in electron scattering properties can be attributed to differences in molecular shape.Isomers of special interest are cis-and trans-butene-2. Previous measurements showed remarkable differences in the radiolytic free ion yields (3, 4) and in the mobilities of thermal electrons (3, 5) in these liquids. It appears that electrons are captured to form transient anion...