Electron spin resonance, magnetic circular dichroism, and optical absorption spectra of a paramagnetic Rh 2ϩ complex are investigated in Rh 3ϩ doped solution-grown NaCl single crystals. x irradiation of the crystals at 77 K followed by a warm-up to room temperature results in the formation of a stable low-spin Jahn-Teller distorted RhCl 6 4Ϫ complex possessing D 4h symmetry. The unpaired electron is largely localized in the 4d z 2 orbital of the Rh 2ϩ (4d 7 ) which is involved in a type molecular bond with two symmetrically placed Cl Ϫ ions along ͗001͘. The magnetic circular dichroism and optical absorption measurements at 1.4 K reveal two main bands around 12 200 cm Ϫ1 and 16 200 cm Ϫ1 . Within the octahedral Tanabe-Sugano formalism of the Rh 2ϩ these two absorptions are associated with two vibronically allowed 2 E g → 2 T 1g , 2 T 2g molecular transitions. This assignment is in quantitative agreement with the analysis of the g matrix components. A small MCD feature at 15 200 cm Ϫ1 is tentatively associated with two coinciding 2 E g → 2 T 1g , 2 T 2g transitions of another, probably a ligand-exchanged, Rh 2ϩ center.