We report Raman spectral studies of pure potassium oxalate monohydrate, K 2 C 2 O 4 • H 2 O (POM) and its doped varieties with 1 and 5% vanadyl concentrations at room temperature. Apart from many other interesting changes in the Raman spectra on doping with VO 2+ , one of the most intriguing observations is the change in relative intensities of factor group split components of several Raman bands including some bands in the lattice mode region. We have explained the relative intensity changes of factor group split components in terms of locking of adjacent C 2 O 4 −H 2 O−C 2 O 4 −H 2 O chains due to vanadyl doping in the POM lattice. The reduction in the intensities of water bands on vanadyl doping also supports this view.