The alums with the general formula M' +M3+(X04), . 12 H,O (X = S, Se), where M" is a monovalent cation (NH,, K, Rb, Cs, T1) and M 3 + a trivalent cation (Al, Ga, In, Cr, Fe) form an interesting isomorphous series of salts. It is easy to prepare solid solutions of the paramagnetic salts in diamagnetic ones over a wide range (0 to 100%) of relative concentration. There has been a considerable interest in the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) of these salts because they contributed significantly to the understanding of the location of the paramagnetic ion, high-order transitions, and phase transitions [l to 51. In this note we report the EPR of Cr3' in solid solutions of RbAl(SO,), . The alums belong to the cubic system with space group T,6(Pa3). Because of different atomic arrangements they exist in three types, namely a, p, and y [6]. The K alum and the Rb alum belong to the a-type. The lattice constant a of K alum is 1.2158 nm [7] and of Rb alum 1.2243 nm [7]. The unit cell contains four formula units. The A13+ have six water molecules as nearest neighbours forming a nearly regular octahedron. On the other hand, the octahedron of water molecules about the M" is strongly distorted. The six near neighbour M' + sites about an M3+ are ocatahedrally disposed, while the second neighbour M1 + sites are eightfold cubic. The [l 1 11 axis of the octahedron surrounding A1 coincides with the [ l l l ] axis of the crystal, but the axes of the octahedron deviate from the cubic axes of the crystal by an angle of rotation ~9 . 5 " about the [lll] direction.Single crystals of Rb,K1-,A1(SO,), . 12 H,O (x = 0.1 to 0.9) were grown at ~3 0 0 K by slow evaporation of the saturated aqueous solution of the component alums. Cr3+ was introduced into the host lattice by adding chromic sulfate (1 wt%).The EPR experiments were performed on a JEOL FE-3X homodyne spectrometer operating at ~9 . 4 5GHz equipped with a TE,,, cylindrical cavity and 100 kHz field modulation. A speck of powdered DPPH used as a field marker (taking g,,,,, = 2.0036) was inserted simultaneously into the sample cavity. The crystals were mounted on quartz rods.For an arbitrary orientation of the crystal, the EPR spectrum consists of a number of intense lines besides some weak lines on the low magnetic field side of the spectrum in all the crystals studied. Angular variation studies reveal the presence of four magnetically inequivalent but chemically equivalent Cr3 + complexes (formed by the substitution of A13 + ') Rohtak 124001, India.