Computing the GW quasiparticle bandstructure and Bethe-Salpeter Equation (BSE) absorption spectra for materials with spin-orbit coupling has commonly been done by treating GW corrections and spin-orbit coupling as separate perturbations to density-functional theory. However, accurate treatment of materials with strong spin-orbit coupling (such as many topological materials of recent interest, and thermoelectrics) often requires a fully relativistic approach using spinor wavefunctions in the Kohn-Sham equation and GW /BSE. Such calculations have only recently become available, in particular for the BSE. We have implemented this approach in the plane-wave pseudopotential GW /BSE code BerkeleyGW, which is highly parallelized and widely used in the electronic-structure community. We present reference results for quasiparticle bandstructures and optical absorption spectra of solids with different strengths of spin-orbit coupling, including Si, Ge, GaAs, GaSb, CdSe, Au, and Bi 2 Se 3 . The calculated quasiparticle band gaps of these systems are found to agree with experiment to within a few tens of meV. SOC splittings are found to be generally in better agreement with experiment, including quasiparticle corrections to band energies. The absorption spectrum of GaAs is not significantly impacted by the inclusion of spin-orbit coupling due to its relatively small value (0.2 eV) in the Λ direction, while the absorption spectrum of GaSb calculated with the fully-relativistic GW -BSE captures the large spin-orbit splitting of peaks in the spectrum. For the prototypical topological insulator Bi 2 Se 3 , we find a drastic change in the low-energy bandstructure compared to that of DFT, with the fully-relativistic treatment of the GW approximation correctly capturing the parabolic nature of the valence and conduction bands after including off-diagonal self-energy matrix elements. We present the detailed methodology, approach to spatial symmetries for spinors, comparison against other codes, and performance compared to spinless GW /BSE calculations and perturbative approaches to SOC. This work aims to spur further development of spinor GW /BSE methodology in excited-state research software, and enables more accurate and detailed exploration of electronic and optical properties of materials containing elements with large atomic number.