. 19820915: Hypersthene-i~nite (/magnelJte) symplectites in eoronitic olivine-gabbronorites. Lithos, Voi. 15, Symplectitie intergrowths of hypersthene (host) with ilmenite and minor magnetite (vermicules) in a gabbroic sill from the Precambrian of southwest Sweden occur as replacement products of divine, and are thought to have formed simultaneously with the replacement of nearby crystals of iimenite and Timagnetite by biotite and hornblende (and spinel). These interrelated replacemem processes may have taken place during, or immediately etfter, the final stages of the magmatic crystallization, at tempe: atures of about 660-68~C, as part of the inherent metamorphism of the gabbroic rock. Another expression of this metamorphic imprint is the occurrence of two-tiered corona shells of hyper~thene/homblende (+spinel) at the interface of olivine and plagioclase crystals.