Dissociative electron attachment (DEA) plays a key role in radiation damage of biomolecules under high-energy radiation conditions. The initial step in DEA is often rationalized in terms of resonant electron capture into one of the metastable valence states of a molecule followed by its fragmentation. Our combined theoretical and experimental investigations indicate that the manifold of states responsible for electron capture in the DEA process can be dominated by core-excited (shake-up) dipole-supported resonances. Specifically, we present the results of experimental and computational studies of the gas-phase DEA to three prototypical peptide molecules, formamide, N-methylformamide (NMF), and N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF). In contrast to the case of electron capture by positively charged peptides in which amide bond rupture is rare compared to N-Cα bond cleavage, fragmentation of the amide bond was observed in each of these three molecules. The ion yield curves for ions resulting from this amide bond cleavage, such as NH 2 ⎯ for formamide, NHCH 3 ⎯ for NMF, and N(CH 3 ) 2 ⎯ for DMF, showed a double-peak structure in the region between 5 to 8 eV. The peaks are assigned to Feshbach resonances including core-excited dipole-supported resonances populated upon electron attachment based on the highlevel electronic structure calculations. Moreover, the lower energy peak is attributed to formation of the coreexcited resonance that correlates with the triplet state of the neutral molecule. The latter process highlights the role of spin-forbidden transitions promoted by electron impact in the DEA process.