The ground electronic state (X 3 AE À ) and three low-lying excited electronic states, 1 1 AE þ , 1 1 Á, and 1 3 Å, of NO À were studied using MRCISD and GVVPT3 with the aug-cc-pVXZ (X ¼ D, T, Q) basis sets and extrapolated to complete basis set limits. The thermodynamic constants, r e , ! e , ! e x e , and D e , are predicted to be in good agreement with experimental values, where available. The increase of basis set lowers substantially the potential well of 1 3 Å with respect to the ground state, e.g. the value of T e , 18425 cm À1 by MRCISD/aug-cc-pVDZ, decreases to 10829 cm À1 by MRCISD at the complete basis set limit. Additional calculations, using perturbative corrections for triple and quadruple excitations to MRCISD, i.e. MRCISD(TQ), showed that inclusion of triples and quadruples are essential to predictions of the electron affinity of NO, resulting in an increase in electron binding of over 0.36 eV.