The four-coordinate anion Cul(dpym), (Hdpym = 3,3',5,5'-tetramethyl-4.4'-dicarboethoxydipyrromethene) can be prepared in solution in acetone either by electrochemical reduction of the known tetrahedral complex CuH(dpym)? (E' = -290 mV vs. SCE) or by the quantitative reaction of 2Hdpym with Cu(CH,CN),+ in the absence of 0,. The latter reaction does not go to completion in solvents that bind relatively strongly to CU' or that are poor proton acceptors. Ligand exchange between cu'(dpym),-and excess Hdpym in acetone is "fast" in the 'H NMR timeframe, with k, = 1.4 x lo7 L mol-' s-' at 298 K (first order in each reactant), AH^; = 3.4 2 0.6 kJ mol-', and AS,: = -97 ? 3 J K-I mol-'. In the absence of excess Hdpym, dissociation of Cu'(dpym); in acetone remains negligible. Homogeneous electron exchange between Cu1(dpym)< and ~u " ( d~y m )~ in acetone falls in the "slow" 'H NMR timeframe, with kc, = 5.9 x lo3 L mol-' s-I, AH,,$ = 48.5 2 3.0 kJ mol-I, and AS,,* = -10 2 I0 J K-' mol-', at ionic strength I = 0.007 mol L-' and 298 K, while for the same self-exchange on a Pt electrode the heterogeneous rate constant k,, = 0.16 ? 0.04 cm sf' at I = 0.1 mol L-' and 298 K, according to AC voltammetry. These values of kc, and kel are of the order expected for CU"" couples in which no significant change in coordination number or geometry accompanies electron transfer.Key words: Electron transfer, copper complexes, ligand substitution kinetics, dynamic NMR.RCsumCs : On peut prtparer l'anion tktracoordint Cul(dpym),-(Hdpym = 3,3',5,5'-tCtramCthy1-4,4'-dicarboCthoxydipyrromtthene) en solution dans l'acetone soit par une reduction Clectrochimique du complexe tetrakdrique ~u " ( d~~m )~ (EO = -290 mV vs. SCE) ou par la reaction quantitative de 2Hdpym avec le Cu(CH3CN),+ en l'absence de 0,. La dernikre reaction n'est pas complkte dans des solvants qui se lient relativement fortement au CU' ou qui sont de pauvres accepteurs de proton. L'Cchange de coordinat entre le Cul(dpym); et un excks de Hdpym dans l'acetone est rapide par rapport a la RMN du 'H; k, = 1,4 x lo7 L mol-' s-I t i 298 K (premier ordre par rapport B chaque reactif), AH,* = 3. [Traduit par le redaction] couples will tend to be rather slow if the normally preferred According to the Vallee-Williams principle (I), the rates of outer-sphere electron transfer processes involving copper(1ID)