Radicals genemted by y-irradiation of malonic acid and methyl malonic acid were studied asa function of temperature by inversion recovery, echo-detected saturation recovery and electronelectron double resonance (ELDOR) at X-band, and by continuous-wave saturation recovery at Xband and S-band. ELDOR reductions for malonic acid radical in polycrystalline and single-crystal samples indicate that nuclear spin relaxation is faster than both electron spin relaxation and cross relaxation between 93 and 233 K. Deuteration of the carboxylate protons caused the maximum ELDOR reduction to shift from about 110 to 150 K, consistent with the assignment of the rapid nuclear spin relaxation to hydrogen-bonded proton dynamies. ELDOR enhancements for both radicals formed in methyl malonic acid indicate that cross relaxation is faster than both electron spin relaxation and nuclear spin relaxation between 77 and 220 K. Enhanced cross relaxation and electron spin relaxation ate attributed to the rotation of methyl groups at a rate comparable to the electron Larmor frequency. The temperature dependence of the enhancement of 1/T~, was analyzed to determine the activation energies for methyl rotation. The same radical is formed in irradiated methyl malonic acid and L-alanine, but the barrier to rotation of the ct-methyl is 500 K in the methyl malonic acid host and 1500 K in the L-alanine host, which indicates a large impact of the lattice on the barrier to rotation.