CrAPSO-5 molecular sieve was synthesized to incorporate CrIII into the molecular sieve framework using tripropylamine as a structure-directing agent. CrAPSO-5 was characterized by XRD, thermogravimetric analysis and IR spectroscopy. Treatment of as-synthesized CrAPSO-5 with a solution of is CH 3 OHÈHCl e †ective in removing the tripropylamine. EPR shows CrIII with and which is g 1 \ 5.20, g 2 \ 2.00 g 3 \ 0.98, assigned to CrIII in a distorted octahedral coordination. Spectral simulation indicates a zero-Ðeld splitting parameter of 0.50 cm~1. CrIII in ion-exchanged (L)Cr-SAPO-5 also shows octahedral coordination and is located in the main channel. After dehydration, CrIII shows sharper EPR lines with and g M \ 4.00 g A \ 2.00 which are assigned to CrIII in tetrahedral coordination. After calcination and dehydration, the EPR of CrAPSO-5 shows CrV in tetrahedral coordination, characterized by and UVÈVIS spectra g M \ 1.97 g A \ 1.89. support these coordination assignments. Electron spin echo modulation (ESEM) of 31P indicates that CrV substitutes for phosphorus in a framework site in calcined CrAPSO-5 and that CrV is in a six-ring window in dehydrated, oxidized (L)Cr-SAPO-5. Deuterium ESEM indicates, that, in CrAPSO-5, CrV interacts with one molecule of ethylene via a weak r-bond, while in dehydrated, oxidized (L)Cr-SAPO-5, CrV interacts with one molecule of ethylene via a p-bond. These results seem consistent with framework substitution in a phosphorus site in CrAPSO-5.