The strong interest to study microwave features of modem artificial materials occurs. One of prospective candidates for such a role are Sr-doped lanthanum manganites-perovskites. Due to special interparticles interactions in the perovskite lattice they show a number of unique properties, including in particular, the colossal magnetoresistance -CMR [1]. The essence of the CMR phenomenon consists in the abrupt increase of electric resistance under the impact of the external static magnetic field. Mainly due to this effect doped manganites are considered as promising materials for design of novel generation of magnetic sensors and devices of the magnetic information read-out, for novel generation of magnetically controlled microwave and terahertz devices [2]. On the other hand, lanthanum manganites are very interesting object as a model of so-called "left handed" media i.e. media which demonstrate the negativity of refraction coefficient [3].Thus a task of the interspin interactions research is of great importance both from the fundamental and technological points of view. We applied the ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) technique for experimental study of these structures in a wide frequency range -70-80 GHz, and at a temperature 4.2 K [4]. Two kinds of specimens were investigated: sintered bulk specimen (#1) and thin-films specimen (#2). The bulk specimen of lanthanum manganite La SrMn03 (L SMO) has a parallelepiped shape with dimensional 2.5x4 mm and thickness of 0.4 mm. Thin-films specimen of LSMO have been deposited on parallelepiped shape substrate with dimensional 7.2x3.4 mm and thickness of substrate 0.5 mm. The thickness of lanthanum manganite layer for thin-films specimen was 1000 A. Both of specimens has Curie Temperature Tc=350 K.We used the two-mirror opened resonator, consisting of flat and spherical mirrors (Fig. I) for experimental magnetoresonance researches in mm-waveband. Each mirror has a coupling slot, connected mirror with rectangular waveguides The diameter of mirrors 30 mm, distance between them about 5 mm. There are two "geometry" of experiment. If direction of external magnetic field directed parallel to the plane of specimen it is "parallel orientation" (Fig. la). If direction of external magnetic field is directed normally to the specimen plane it is "perpendicular orientation" (Fig. I b). The reference DPPH marker was located in the vicinity of the resonance field. caustic surface spherical mirror caustic surface C���Jl2flat mirror a) b) Figure 1. Two-mirror opened resonator and different "geometry" of magneto resonance experiments: a) parallel "geometry", b) perpendicular "geometry"Ferromagnetic resonance spectra (FMR spectra), obtained during experiment were processed and presented as the resonance frequency-field dependence (Fig. 2). This relation allows estimating a value of magnetization of saturation of specimens.For this a known Kittel formulas have been used [4]. We consider two situations below. First of them considers that some definite field of anisotropy Ha presents, which we sho...