Abstract-The anion radical of 1,2-diphenyIcyclobutene was studied by electron spin resonance. The hyperfine splittings were found to be 0.47 and 0.74G for the metu-positions, 2.23 and 2.69 G for the ortho-positions and 4.21 G for the para-positions of the phenyl rings. The methylene proton splittings were 4.27 G , which would imply that the value of QCOII, is 27 G, much lower than that of other cyclobutene anions. It was also estimated that the angle between the axis of the p-orbitals of the ethylene group and that of the phenyl group is about 30°, in agreement with that found for the tetraphenylethylene anion.THE ANION radical of 1,2-diphenyIcyclobutene (DPCB) is of interest, due to the fact that it is essentially a cisstilbene radical as well as a cyclobutene derivative. cis-Stilbene has been found to convert immediately to the trans-configuration upon reduction to the anion radica1;l however, in this case the anion is locked in the cis-configuration. Studies of naphtho-,2a naphthol , 4 -q~i n o n e~~ and b e n~o -~~?~ cyclobutene anions indicate that the value of QCCHa which relates the hyperfine splittings of the methylene group to the spin density on the trigonial carbon(1) of the cyclobutene [Eqn. (l)], is about 50 Gauss. In the DPCB anion this value appears to be about 27 Gauss.The hyperfine splittings of DPCB are presented in Table 1. There was no significant change in the linewidths or splittings between -70°C and -20°C. Broadening occurred at lower temperatures, which was assumed to be due to viscosity effects and at higher temperatures, which was assumed to be due to exchange effects resulting from the relatively high concentrations needed to obtain a reasonably good signal to noise. The g-factor corrected for second order shifts was 2.00268 & 0.00001.It is found that the ratio of the splittings of the orthopositions for stilbenel"Jb is greater than that of DPCBT, but the same trend is exhibited by the anions of styrene and or-methyl ~tyrene.~ Two molecular orbital models have been used to simulate the inequivalence of the ortlzo-positions of the phenyl rings in Huckel Molecular Orbital (HMO) calculations. The 'P-effe~t'~.~ invokes a resonance between the ortho-position and the carbon atom of the ethylene which is not directly bonded to that phenyl group. The 'or-effe~t'~.~ represents a repulsion between the ethylene and the ortho-position closest to the ethylene, designated by o in the labeling scheme by a change in the coulomb integral of the orfhoposition. In studies of substituted ethylenes, the aeffect has been used most frequently and has been found to give the best agreement with experimental parameters when used in the HMO model. The best values of 6 in the coulomb integral, a = oreo + 6pCCo for the orfho-position that have been used, range between 0.1 5 and 0.20.1b,4,7 In this case a value for 6 of about -0.08* gave the best agreement with spin densities of the phenyl ring calculated from the Colpa-Bolton relationship,s (2) where a, is the proton splitting, Q C H ( 0 ) and K,, are -27 Gauss an...