We use holography to study the spontaneous condensation of a neutral order parameter in a (2+1)-dimensional field theory at zero-temperature and finite density, dual to the electron star background of Hartnoll and Tavanfar. An appealing feature of this field theory is the emergence of an IR Lifshitz fixed-point with a finite dynamical critical exponent z, which is due to the strong interaction between critical bosonic degrees of freedom and a finite density of fermions (metallic quantum criticality). We show that under some circumstances the electron star background develops a neutral scalar hair whose holographic interpretation is that the boundary field theory undergoes a quantum phase transition, with a Berezinski-Kosterlitz-Thouless character, to a phase with a neutral order parameter. Including the backreaction of the bulk neutral scalar on the background, we argue that the two phases across the quantum critical point have different z, a novelty that exists in certain quantum phase transitions in condensed matter systems. We also analyze the system at finite temperature and find that the phase transition becomes, as expected, second-order. Embedding the neutral scalar into a higher form, a variety of interesting phases could potentially be realized for the boundary field theory. Examples which are of particular interest to condensed matter physics include an antiferromagnetic phase where a vector condenses and break the spin symmetry, a quadrupole nematic phase which involves the condensation of a symmetric traceless tensor breaking rotational symmetry, or different phases of a system with competing order parameters.