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> REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR PAPER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (DOUBLE-CLICK HERE TO EDIT) < 1Abstract -Characterisation of a corona-stabilised switch in the single-shot regime, including triggering range, delay times and jitter is reported, over the pressure range 0-3 bar gauge, as a continuation of work from similar characterisation with this switch filled with SF6 with different gap spacings. When filled with mixtures of HFO-1234ze and N2, the breakdown voltage can be increased by up to ~306% and ~191% under negative and positive polarity, respectively, of that using 100% N2. These results were achieved with gas mixtures consisting of 80% N2 and 20% HFO-1234ze, by pressure. The maximum negative polarity triggering range was 13.6 kV, comparable to that achieved previously using SF6. The measured delay time and calculated jitter was generally found to increase with increasing pressure, and with increasing percentage (from 5% to 20%) of HFO-1234ze in the gas mixtures.Von Laue statistical analysis of time-to-breakdown data showed that both the formative time and statistical time increased with increasing pressure, and with increasing percentage of HFO-1234ze in the gas mixtures. The formative time under negative polarity was significantly longer than that for positive polarity.The results indicate that HFO-1234ze may be considered as a suitable candidate to replace SF6 for switching applications, although there are some operational observations that require further investigation.