Quantum mechanical models to treat long distance electron transfer are being developed. The model is based on the theory of R.A. Marcus. Our contribution is in the calculation of the electron coupling factor K . Estimations of the latter number, as well as the bond and solvent relaxation energies, A, and A,, respectively, are necessary to be able to calculate the rate constant for a reaction of the conductivity in an electric field. K may be approximately calculated from orbital energy differences at avoided crossings between orbitals localized in different parts of the system. A novel spectroscopic NDO method is suggested in which one may include any atom of the periodic table. Another problem discussed is the inclusion of electronic relaxation effects of the solvent or protein in the calculation. Applications are made to systems where metal ions are connected by organic bridges of different kinds such as dipyridine with coplanar and perpendicular pyridyl groups. As expected the electronic factor depends strongly on the conformation of the bridge. A strong conformational dependence is also obtained for a saturated bridge of the type NH, (CH,), -NH,. In another study we use an a helix as a bridge between two metal ions. If one glycine in this a-helix is substituted by phenylalanine the electronic factor increases by factors of 1.5-10. It is suggested, however, that larger enhancement factors are possible if an aromatic group is positioned in a favorable way. The CNDO/S method is used to study the charge separation process in a bichromophoric molecule and in the reaction center (RC) of Rhodopseudomom viridis. In those cases where the electronic coupling is large enough for the charge transfer states to be seen in the spectrum, the calculated results agree well with the experimental ones, but suggest a novel assignment. The CNDO/S results verify that electron transfer is possible through saturated spacers. In the special pair of RC the S, state is calculated at approximately the correct position. Like the ground state, it has a delocalized character.