Coenzyme F420 has been assayed by high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorimetric detection; this permits quantification of individual coenzyme F420 analogs whilst avoiding the inclusion of interfering material. The total intracellular coenzyme F420 content of Methanosarcina barkeri MS cultivated on methanol and on H2-C02 and of Methanosarcina mazei S-6 cultured on methanol remained relatively constant during batch growth. The most abundant analogs in M. barkeri were coenzymes F420-2 and F420-4, whilst in M. mazei coenzymes F420-2 and F420-3 predominated. Significant changes in the relative proportions of the coenzyme F420 analogs were noted during batch growth, with coenzymes F420-2 and F420-4 showing opposite responses to each other and the same being also true for coenzymes F420-3 and F420-5. This suggests that an enzyme responsible for transferring pairs of glutamic acid residues may be active. The degradation fragment FO was also detected in cells in late exponential and stationary phase. Coenzyme F420 analogs were present in the culture supernatant of both methanogens, in similar proportions to that in the cells, except for FO which was principally located in the supernatant.