. Can. J. Chem. 61, 2389Chem. 61, (1983.The syntheses and characterization of some ncw octaethylporphyrin complexes of ruthenium(l1) and ruthcnium(lll) are described; the complexes are Ru(OEP)(P"BU~)~. Ru(OEP)(CO)L (L = PPh3, PUBu3), [Ru(OEP)(P"BU,)~]B~, and Ru(0EP)-(PnBu3)Br, where OEP is the dianion of octaethylporphyrin. The Ru(OEP)(CO)EtOH complex, 1, which reversibly loscs the ethanol ligand in CHzC12 solution, undergoes a one-equivalent oxidation at the porphyrin ligand to gencratc the cation-radical [Ru(OEP)"(CO)]+; a purple species of 'Azu ground statc, produced electrochemically in perchlorate mcdia, can coordinate bromide to generate a green 'A,, ground state species that also results from oxidation of 1 using bromine. Coordination of pyridine to [Ru(OEP)'+CO]+ yields the Ru(OEP)"(CO)py species that can also be formcd by electrochemical oxidation of Ru(OEP)(CO)py. Addition of tertiary phosphines (PR3) to the cation-radical carbonyl spccics can lead to formation of [RU(OEP)(PR,)~]+, via an internal electron transfcr proccss from Ru(11) to the OEP" that appears to bc triggered by loss of the CO ligand. A reversible one-electron electrochemical oxidation of RU(OEP)(P"BU,)~ at 0.03 V (vs. Ag/AgCI) in CH2CIz also gives the ruthenium(Il1) biphosphine cation, while a furthcr onc-elcctron oxidation at 1.2 V generates [Ru(OEP)'+(P"BU,)~]'+, a ruthenium(lI1) n-cation radical characterized by esr. Thc [Ru(OEP)(P"Bu,),]Br complcx decomposes in the solid state to a mixture of Ru(OEP)(PUBu,)Br, formed together with free phosphine via an intramolecular ligand exchange, and RU(OEP)(P"BU~)~, formed by rcduction of the initial ionic ruthenium (lI1) [Traduit par le journal]