A theoretical description of twisted (vortex) electrons interacting with electric and magnetic fields is presented, based on Lorentz transformations. The general dynamical equations of motion of a twisted electron with an intrinsic orbital angular momentum in an external field are derived. Methods for the extraction of an electron vortex beam with a given orbital polarization and for the manipulation of such a beam are developed.The discovery of twisted (vortex) electron beams carrying intrinsic orbital angular momentum (OAM) [1] has proven the existence of vortex states of a free electron. Unlike corresponding light vortex beams (which have been successfully used for 25 years [2]), electron beams are charged. Therefore, they also possess significant orbital magnetic moments. Amazingly, a vortex electron in vacuum can be described by the usual Dirac equation for a free particle.In the present work, the system of units = 1, c = 1 is used. We include and c explicitly when this inclusion clarifies the problem. We use the weak-field approximation and neglect terms quadratic in external fields.We give a detailed classical description of dynamics of a twisted particle in external electromagnetic fields. There exists the perfect agreement between relativistic equations of motion for the momentum and the spin in classical electrodynamics and quantum mechanics of spin-1/2 particles in electromagnetic fields (see and references therein). The wonderful agreement with the corresponding classical equations takes place for relativistic spin-1/2 particles in gravity [10]. Relativistic equations of motion for spin-0 [11] and spin-1 [12] particles also fully agree with the corresponding classical equations. This means that the use of an appropriate classical approach for obtaining equations of motion is perfectly admissible.From the viewpoint of quantum mechanics, a twisted electron is a single pointlike particle. Its wave function mirrors a density of a probability to find the electron in a given point of the space. The standard classical model of electron in an atom developed by founders of quantum mechanics is an electron cloud [13] characterizing a spatial distribution of an electron charge. When the atomic electron has a nonzero OAM, the model of the rotating charged cloud is used. We adopt this model to the considered problem. A rotation of the charged electron cloud is a classical counterpart of a current operator describing a motion of the electron about the direction of the intrinsic OAM. In this simple classical picture, an intrinsic OAM originating from the cloud rotation can be parallel to the momentum direction and can be nonzero for a particle at rest. So, the classical description should use some intrinsic rotation which is not associated with the electron momentum p. Besides the intrinsic rotation, an extrinsic rotation of the electron can take place (for example, in an external magnetic field). The latter rotation depends on the electron momentum and is defined by the extrinsic OAM r × p. Quantum mechanics uses...