. Heats of solution of 5-8 Cs-C,, alkane liquids have been determined in each of 19 organic solvents covering the Taft-Kamlert T* (dipolarity-polarizability) range -0.08 to 1.00. Enthalpies of alkane transfer from vapor to solvents have been calculated (AH(v + S) = AH, -AH,). The methylene increments in AH(v + S) in the 19 solvents and water (-1.18 to -0.67 kcal/mol) are not well correlated with the Hildebrand solubility parameter 6, but an empirical correlation exists with solvent T* and polarizability:( n = 20, r = 0.977, see = 0.032). By this criterion the small methylenc increment in water appears to be associated with the high dipolarity and low polarizability of water.RICHARD FUCHS et W. KIRK STEPHENSON. Can. J. Chem. 63, 349 (1985). On a determine les chaleurs de solution de 5-8 alcanes liquides en C5-Clb dans 19 solvants organiques couvrant des valeurs de polaritC/polarisabilite (T* de Taft-Kamlet) allant de -0,08 a 1,OO. On a calculC les enthalpies de transfert (AH(v + S) = AH, -AH,). I1 n'y a pas de bonne correlation entre, d'une part, les valeurs des increments par methylhe pour le AH(v + S) dans les 19 solvants et I'eau (-1,18 2 -0,67 kcal/mol) et, d'autre part, le paramktre de solubilitb, 6, de Hildebrand; toutefois, il existe une correlation empirique entre la valeur T* du solvant et la polarisabilitC:(ou n = 20, r = 0,977, erreur st. = 0,032). En se basant sur ce critere, il semble que le faible increment par methylhe dans I'eau soit associe a la polarit6 6levCe et la faible polarisabiliti de I'eau.[Traduit par le journal]
IThe free energy of transfer (AG(v -+ S)) of nonpolar solutes from the gas to liquid water is highly unfavorable (endogenic), and this is particularly true of alkane solutes (1). However, for the rare gases, several inorganic gases (H?, N?, CO, 0 2 ) , and C,-C, alkanes, the enthalpy contribution (AH(v + S)) is actually more favorable for transfers to water than for transfers to organic solvents (1). Entropies of transfer (TAS(v + S)) of I these species to water are particularly unfavorable (negative), leading to the observed endogenic values of AG(v + S), and low solute solubility. Alkane AG(v + w) values reach a minimum at ethane, and become increasingly endogenic with alkane molecular weight (1) (C1-C7 methylene increment, 0.16 kcal/mol). The corresponding methylene increment in AH(v + w) is -0.67 kcal/mol, which Abraham ( I ) regarded as the net result of a "normal" solvent effect (-0.97 kcal/mol), and an unfavorable hydrophobic effect. He concluded that the hydrophobic contribution to the free energy, 0.54 kcal/mol, is more an enthalpic effect (0.30-0.44 kcal/mol) than an entropic effect (0.10-0.24 kcal/mol). The rare gases and inorganic gases were regarded as "normal" solutes in water, and this behavior was used (1, 2) to predict the "normal" solvent effect of alkanes in water. Differences between the "normal" and experimental values of AH(v + w) were attributed to a special (hydrophobic) effect. Calculations of solvent-solute interaction terms and scaled particle theory...