Na3OBr is expected to be a promising superionic conductor for use as solid state electrolyte in large scale energy storage systems, but its lattice dynamic and thermal conductivity properties have not been well studied till now. In this work, we performed a detailed study on these properties as well as its electronic and elastic properties using first principles method. The results indicate that Na3OBr is a direct band gap crystal. It is mechanically stable but elastically anisotropic. Its phonons at the Brillouin zone center were classified using group theory analysis and its Born effective charges, LO–TO splitting, and dielectric constants were calculated and discussed. Its phonon dispersion curves were obtained and their origins were revealed. Based on the phonon dispersion curves, its thermal conductivity as a function of temperature was predicted, which give a value of 7.30 Wm−1 K−1 at 300 K. Further study reveals that, for Na3OBr, the simple Slack's model can give almost the same thermal conductivity curve as that obtained from the phonon dispersion curves.