We show that noncontact atomic force microscopy (AFM) is sensitive to the local stiffness in the atomicscale limit on weakly coupled 2D materials, as graphene on metals. Our large amplitude AFM topography and dissipation images under ultrahigh vacuum and low temperature resolve the atomic and moiré patterns in graphene on Pt(111), despite its extremely low geometric corrugation. The imaging mechanisms are identified with a multiscale model based on density-functional theory calculations, where the energy cost of global and local deformations of graphene competes with short-range chemical and long-range van der Waals interactions. Atomic contrast is related with short-range tip-sample interactions, while the dissipation can be understood in terms of global deformations in the weakly coupled graphene layer. Remarkably, the observed moiré modulation is linked with the subtle variations of the local interplanar graphene-substrate interaction, opening a new route to explore the local mechanical properties of 2D materials at the atomic scale. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.245502 Atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) are tools of choice for characterizing the unique mechanical and electronic properties of graphene (G) and other 2D materials. Dynamic AFM [1] in the frequency modulation (FM) mode [2] has resolved the true geometric structure of a broad range of materials [3][4][5]. FM AFM experiments on carbon-based materials [6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13] show atomic contrast in Δf images and, depending on the setup, in the dissipation channel. While the origin of the dissipation is not well understood, the Δf contrast has been linked with the nature of the tip-sample interaction [14].G properties can be efficiently tuned by the interaction with metals [15,16]. The interaction strength varies widely from the strong coupling with Rh [17,18] and Ru [19] to the weak limit (Ir [20], Pt [21]), where G retains its unique electronic properties [22]. The different lattice parameters of G and the metal underneath are accommodated through the formation of commensurate structures known as moiré patterns, where C atoms become inequivalent due to their different bonding configuration with the metal. The resulting "true" topographic corrugation of G-the difference in height among the topmost and the bottom C atom-varies widely, even in the weakly interacting cases, where it ranges from ≈50 pm on Ir [23,24] to practically flat (≤ 3 pm) on Pt [21].While STM can easily resolve these moiré patterns, even in the G=Pt case [21,25], AFM experiments have only been reported in highly corrugated cases as Ru [26], Rh [27], and Ir [12,28]. Focusing on the most challenging case, G=Ir, experiments with a Kolibri sensor using a W tip clearly resolved the moiré in constant height (CH) AFM images [28]. Measurements with a tuning fork using both inert (CO-terminated) and reactive (Ir-terminated) tips [12] were able to identify the atoms with both tips at any tip-sample distance. This atomic-scale resolution allowed the ...