Articles you may be interested inAn all-electron density functional theory study of the structure and properties of the neutral and singly charged M 12 and M 13 clusters: M = Sc-Zn Probes of spin conservation in heavy metal reactions: Experimental and theoretical studies of the reactions of Re + with H 2 , D 2 , and HD Theoretical study of the water activation by a cobalt cation: Ab initio multireference theory versus density functional theoryThe reactions of the first-row transition metal cations, Sc ϩ ( 3 D, 1 D), Ni ϩ ( 2 D), Cu ϩ ( 1 S), with NH 3 have been studied by the multiconfigurational and multireference-based theories, to clarify the similarities and differences in the reactivity of early (Sc ϩ ) and late (Ni ϩ , Cu ϩ ) transition metal cations. In all the cases, the ion-dipole complex, MNH 3 ϩ , is initially formed with a C 3v symmetry structure, which is the most stable complex in the respective potential energy surfaces except for Sc ϩ ( 1 D). The M ϩ -NH 3 binding energy was evaluated as 42.4, 37.8, 50.9, and 48.1 kcal/mol for Sc ϩ ( 3 D), Sc ϩ ( 1 D), Ni ϩ , and Cu ϩ , respectively. In the second step, M ϩ is expected to activate one N-H bond of NH 3 , leading to the insertion complex, HMNH 2 ϩ . In Sc ϩ ( 3 D, 1 D), three different stationary points of HScNH 2 ϩ , i.e., C s ͑in-plane͒, C s ͑out-of-plane͒, and C 2v structures, were located, which correspond to a minimum point, a first-order saddle point, and a second-order saddle point, respectively. In these complexes, the singlet state originating from Sc ϩ ( 1 D) is largely stabilized compared to the triplets. The singlet HScNH 2 ϩ ͑in-plane͒ is calculated to be the most stable compound. There are three dissociation channels from HScNH 2 ϩ , i.e., →ScNH 2 ϩ ϩH, →ScH ϩ ϩNH 2 , and →ScNH ϩ ϩH 2 . The third dissociation occurs through the transition state of a four-centered structure, with a small activation barrier of 23 kcal/mol, in both singlet and triplet surfaces. As to the late transition metal cations Ni ϩ and Cu ϩ , there is no intermediate complex of HMNH 2 ϩ , thus, all the dissociations occur through highly vibrational excitations of MNH 3 ϩ . The calculated results are consistent with experimental observations.